Coveted Members
Our cattle are our family. Like every member of a family, each one of them is a coveted member. We acknowledge and respect their presence. Their role is never forgotten. Buffalo, cow or calf they are all given the same preference and attention. Milking cattle, or cattle in their dry phase , there is no discrimination. Calves are more important for us than treating their mothers as milking machines. The mothers are first in line. The calves are always kept well fed and happy. All in all our large, extended family of 400+ cattle is one formation that is wedded to give a boost to natural ways and reaching pure milk to customers. All of this can only happen when cattle are happy and healthy. Happy cattle, heathy milk – the Absolute way.
Planned Family
Right from the start we got cattle in small batches. Unlike getting 500 cows and buffaloes in one go, and not knowing how to handle them, small batches was a conscious choice. It shouldn’t be like we start big and fail. We worked by learning one step at a time. Adding small nuances and methods. We started with 25 cattle. We ensured that these cattle get used to the surrounds. The fields, and the environment around. It is akin to how children feel as if they are in a new place when they move from one house to another? Even cattle have an adjustment time. So we allowed that to happen day after day. Once the cattle have adopted our farm as their home, they move int the milking category. Milking is done only after the cattle are completely adjusted, and that is how we look after the cattle and grow their numbers. We have 400+ cattle. Thoroughbreds – pure strains, mixed breeds and strong local varieties each known for their unique qualities.
All Natural
Everything we do here is natural. Traditional well proven methods. So what we get from our cows and buffaloes is absolute pure milk. The same we reach to our customer through our brand Absolute. You can see from our cattle and our methods. The feed they eat is the feed we grow here on our own. And most of the time we don’t tie up our cattle. They do free grazing. Morning, after the milking is over we let them free. So they roam around in an open atmosphere and they search for what they like, eat, free graze and get back in the evening. Once they return we check if they have eaten well or not and we feed them again. Both dry and wet feed. Only after the cattle feed their calves we do the milking.
What we feed the cattle is very important. Here in our own farm we grow two special varieties of grass – Super Napier and Cofar. For these varieties initially we consulted the agricultural university and from them we got 10000 saplings and we planted them. It takes 45 days for those saplings to grow and get the first crop. Once we get that we cut that and process it to feed. What remains are stalks. These stalks are again planted at 45 degrees and are grown all over again. It’s a perennial crop. So that’s how we grow our own feed. Every morning once the cattle have been fed and they leave, our team comes to the fields and cuts the feed grass. As much as needed for the day. The cut grass is then mixed with the feed and given to the cattle before milking in the evening. The reason why we chose these two varieties of grass is because of the high nutritional content and value. When the cow eats a highly nutritious and tasty feed, the results are milk full of nutrition. Super Napier is a bit sweet. It is just like the sweetness we have in sugarcane. Because of that sweetness, the cattle eat it with relish. Plus these grasses are easy to maintain. For the grasses we grow, we don’t even use urea. We use natural processes and fertilisers. Without any artificial additives, means we get healthy feed. This healthy feed is what gives healthy milk.